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Morning Brew 的採購及烘培合作夥伴均有美國精品咖啡協會專業認可,所有咖啡豆都經過嚴格挑選。 此外,Morning Brew 與合作夥伴致力尋找特色莊園,並會因應每季度的收成期採購當季最優質的咖啡豆,為大眾帶來與別不同的咖啡新體驗。 Morning Brew 明白每人都有屬於自己的咖啡口味,我們提供個人化的烘焙程度給大家選擇,也樂意聆聽你們的需求, 務求客人每日有新鮮的咖啡迎接新一天。 The coffee beans purchaser and roasters at Morning Brew are recognized by the Specialty Coffee Association of America, and all coffee beans are carefully selected. Our team committed to finding speciality coffee bean estates and based on the different coffee bean's quarterly harvest to select the best quality coffee beans for all coffee lover. We understand that everyone has their unique coffee tastes, therefore we are pleased to offer a tailor-made selection (e.g. grind level, roast level). We hope all the coffee lover can have fresh coffee every morning to start their day.
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